Price List (Effective January 2023)
1. E2E (Edge To Edge) $.0225 Per Square Inch.
A single pattern design the full width and length of the quilt. This design is repeated in rows until the entire quilt is covered. This type of work is well suited to quilts that will be heavily used or that have busy fabric(or many fabrics) which would hide more intricate quilting. Many designs from elegant to whimsical are available.
2. E2E (Edge To Edge /Separate Sashings Borders) $.03-.045 Per Square Inch
Borders with one design and another complementary design over the main portion of the quilt. This price is for one border. Multiple borders and sashings charged at higher rate.
3. Custom $.04-.065 Per Square Inch
One or two intricate designs in blocks. ¼ inch outlining of blocks, Medium or small scale stippling, echo quilting. One border.
4. Advanced Custom /Heirloom $.06-$.08 Per Square Inch
One of a kind quilting that will highlight your work. This includes intricate feathers or other designs over large areas, background crosshatching, Baptist fans, ovals, circles, plus any additional work from options above. Quilts that have extensive design work will also be billed at the higher price. Multiple borders and sashes. Includes all outlining for applique work and fills and trims.
5. Basting Only ($40 minimum charge)
6. Batting Market Price
8. Multiple Thread Color Changes $5.00 per color change
9. Thread Current Market Price (charged per bobbin)
10. Per Hour Charge: $22.00 (Some custom/Heirloom work is done at Hourly Rate.
A written quote is provided for all requested services. A minimum charge of $50-$90(except basting) applies to all orders. Re-stitching seams, piecing/squaring the back or top is charged at $20 per hour. Other services billed at $20 per hour.